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Admission to Holy Cross 2025-2026

For Nursery Class Applications 2025-2026

  • Firstly, please read our Admissions Policy carefully.
  • Next, you will need to fill in a Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
  • Please obtain a Certificate of Catholic Practice from either your Parish Priest or download from the Diocesan of Westminster website RCDOW website
  • A copy of your child's proof of birth
  • A copy of your child's baptism certificate
  • A copy of your proof of home address (which includes: a council tax bill, utility bill or bank statement dated within the last three months)
  •  All documentation must be emailed to  admissiondocuments@holycrossfulham.co.uk

Nursery Charges 

The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham has reduced the funding significantly from 33 hours (full-time) to 15 hours (part-time) per week for children aged 3 and 4 and who are eligible for nursery places. 

In order to retain our full-time offer, we now charge for the additional 18 hours, which are over and above the centrally-funded 15 hours. 

There will be no option of part-time places (15 hours). The full-time place begins at 9am and ends at 3.30pm.


For Reception Class Applications 2025-2026

The deadline for ALL Reception and Nursery admission application forms to be submitted to Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is 15th January 2025 at 3:30pm

Any applications received after this date will fall into the 'late' category.