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GSO Test

School Tours

We would be delighted for you to come and visit our wonderful school.

If you are looking for a place for your child in reception, nursery or an in year place, please come along to one of our school tours. 


During this tour, you will meet a member of the school's leadership team and will be taken on a guided tour of our school.

Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have in order to help you in your decision making process. 


Primary school is the most vital experience that a child will have and it is our duty to make sure it is the best one. We can't wait to show you around our beautiful and welcoming school community. 


Please book on to one of our school tours using the form below.

By completing the form below, you are automatically registered to attend and will not receive a confirmation.

If you are unable to attend the tour once you have registered, please contact the school office to inform them of this.