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GSO Test

Equality Objectives

At Holy Cross, we aim to be a community where all staff, children, parents and the wider community are treated fairly and with respect. We strive for all pupils to reach their potential and recognise that for some pupils, extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.

We aim to cater for the children as individuals, appreciate their needs and enable them to be educated in a way which ensures they flourish in their everyday life in a multicultural environment and multi faith world. 
At Holy Cross we view all members of our school as special and unique, who are created in God's image and who deserve to be treated with respect and without any form of discrimination. 

We take our legal duties on equality seriously. We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations.

We are required to publish equality information as well as equality objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities or disadvantages. These objectives are reviewed annually by the full Board of Governors.

Our School Objectives are: 


To anticipate and meet the needs of incoming pupils from disadvantaged or hard to reach 'working poor' families.

  • Staff ensure that Holy Cross is a welcoming, nurturing environment where new pupils and their families can expect to feel supported with admissions, meeting individual needs and treating others with dignity and respect 
  • We endeavour to make sure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example by talking to pupils, parents, Parent Council and the PTA  
  • We support different groups of pupils in their class through bespoke planning and teaching 
  • We plan and deliver a curriculum that reflects our school Mission and Values 
  • All staff promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos in their classroom 
  • Our admissions arrangements are fair and transparent and we do not discriminate against pupils by treating them less fairly on the grounds of their gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs or any other defining characteristics. 
  • We support our pupils to build a sense of identity and belonging within the school and wider community 
  • We provide excellent pastoral support to children identified as in need of specialised emotional or social support. 


To increase the percentage of parents who attend curriculum support workshops.

  • The school regularly runs Parent Workshops to focus on developing the knowledge of parents in key areas such as phonics, reading and maths
  • Coffee mornings are held to encourage parents to feel welcomed into the Holy Cross community - there is often a focus on PSHE or RSE also included so that parents are aware of our provision and can ask questions to teachers who are able to attend


To anticipate and meet the needs of incoming pupils from a new ethnic groups.

  • We plan and deliver a curriculum that reflects our school values and provides positive materials and resources in terms of ethnicity 
  • We actively promote equality and diversity through the curriculum and by creating an environment which values respect for all 
  • Staff members recognise and harness the diversity within our school community to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to respond to the challenges and high expectations of the curriculum
  • Inclusion of different faiths is of great importance therefore all children are taught at least three other religions on a biannual cycle. This ensures that the spiritual needs of children from different religions or of no faith are met. 
  • We analyse attainment data to address any negative trends that may arise
  • We hold International Week and Evening on an annual basis which encourages families to come into school and share traditional food, stories and entertainment