Friends of Holy Cross 

The Friends of Holy Cross plays a really important role in maximising the educational experience of the children at Holy Cross.
Our wonderful parents and carers here at Holy Cross are responsible for raising thousands of pounds every year through a wide variety of activities and events.
The money they raise is carefully spent on improving facilities and providing resources for the whole school.
The great news is - you don't even have to be on the committee to get involved!
The main objectives of the Friends of Holy Cross are:
- To cultivate relationships between school staff, parents and the wider community;
- To provide resources or experiences which enhance the experience of the children at Holy Cross.
We raise money through fun events such as:
- Christmas & Summer Fairs
- School Discos
- Quiz Nights
- Second hand uniform sale
All monies received are spent on all classes from nursery to Year 6. In the past, allocated funds have enriched the children's education by helping to provide
- Outdoor play equipment, including two table tennis tables
- Library books and equipment
- Resources for the classroom including interactive white boards, games and books
- Musical instruments
- Science resources
- Maths resources
- A whole school audio/PA system.