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Breakfast Club

Here at Holy Cross, we offer a Wraparound Breakfast Club through our Wraparound Care service. 

Open 5 days a week, Monday to Friday 8am - 8:40am our Breakfast Club costs just £3.50 a day, per child.

Offering a selection of fresh fruit, cereals, breads, milk and juice alongside educational activities we aim to meet the following: 

  • providing children with nutritious food at the start of the day 
  • improving pupils’ attendance and punctuality by offering a service outside of school hours
  • supporting parents and carers who work or are in need of help with morning care
  • meeting the individual needs of children

The role of our breakfast club is wider than the provision of food; we also provide a calm and
safe environment before school, helping to develop social skills and provide the opportunity for
additional learning through ‘play’ activities. 

If you require a Breakfast Club place, you will need to book and pay for your session in advance by logging on to:


020 7736 1447 


After School Clubs and Wraparound Care

Wraparound is run by staff from Holy Cross School. It is a non-profit making organisation that provides childcare services to pupils at Holy Cross School specialising in after school childcare and extra-curricular clubs.

Our After School Cubs run from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.

If your child does not wish to join a club and wishes to instead relax and play with friends, we offer a flexible childcare service from 3:30pm - 6:00pm. 

Wraparound offers high quality experiences at an affordable cost, children are led in structured play and given the opportunity to develop their social and creative skills. It is also a time where children can complete homework if they wish to.  A piece of fruit is  provided at the end of the school day and a more substantial evening tea for those children who stay for the final hour between 5pm and 6pm. For example, beans on toast, Sandwiches and toasted bagels.  

 Clubs cost £90 each term.

 Wraparound care costs £12.50 per day  

Aims of Wraparound: 

  • Provide a high quality, safe and enjoyable service, before and after school
  • To offer an affordable service to those families most in need
  • Offer children enriched opportunities
  • Achieve a personalised childcare service tailored to the individual needs of the children, by working closely with parents and carers
  • To improve pupil attendance, self confidence, motivation and therefore impacting positively on achievement


To contact Ms Lazarus, Wraparound Manager:

email : office@holycrossfulham.co.uk

telephone: 020 7736 1447 

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Basuto Road,

