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Suggestions for RE home activities all year round

Weekly RE Homework in in the Newsletter and on the website. As you have chosen for your child to attend a school of Faith, it is expected that all children will complete these activities. Please be reminded that the Wednesday Word is also available and children can continue to complete a Gospel Reflection each week if you wish. 

In addition to this, below are a range of activities which can be completed at any time throughout the year. This will support the 2.5 hours of RE completed in school each week. 

Parental support of the RE curriculum and additional support at home will develop your child's experience and understanding of their faith. 

We hope you find these helpful!


  • Ask your child to record words, facts, pictures or sentences about everything they can recall from their RE topic.That way you are showing your interest and it will spark great conversation between you!
  • Let your child explore prayer and worship in different ways - could they write their own prayer of thanks, to say sorry, prayers of petition or adoration? Could they begin their own prayer book to help them reflect or have some quiet time with God? Encourage them to end their prayers by writing 'Through Christ Our Lord' or 'In Jesus' name' before writing Amen.
  • Use bedtime story opportunities to read a short extract from the Bible or books based on Christian values, morals and ethics.
  • Read the Gospel in the weekly newsletter together and encourage your child to ask questions or record their questions in their homework books.
  • Ask your child to create a picture or poster to explore their thoughts and feelings about their faith. When it's complete, ask them to explain their thoughts. This is a great opportunity to help them develop their language skills!
  • Create your own RE cross word using words from their recent lessons, a favourite prayer or hymn.
  • Create a fact file about a well known person who you think lives life as Jesus showed us. Recently the children learnt about St Teresa of Calcutta - could you create a portrait?  A google Slide Doc that you can share with your teacher?