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Supporting Charities

“Relationships and behaviour are excellent within the school and pupils enjoy the many opportunities available to serve the school and wider community.” Section 48 Inspection

A big thank you to the parents, staff and children for showing such wonderful support for CAFOD. As Christians, we understand our responsibility to care for those most in need.

Through Catholic Social Teaching we learn the principles of solidarity - meaning we are all part of God’s family so we should seek to support others in any way that we can. 

The principle of Preferential Option for the Poor means that we share, especially with those who have the least.

Nursery enjoying fundraising for Cafod with Own Clothes Day! 


Last year the school has raised money for a number of charities including a whole school Coffee Morning for Macmillan, Jeans for Genes Day, a Harvest Festival for the Trussell Trust who provide food for those in poverty and the NSPCC.

Jeans for Genes Day video!