What is my child learning in RE?
Autumn Term 1 2021
In the Early Years the children are starting with the topic, Beginnings. They will learn about God’s love for each of us, know that Jesus is God the Father’s Son and become familiar with the sign of the cross. They will explore the understanding that the Church is a special place where people gather to pray and understand that prayer is talking and listening to God.
From Years 1 to 6, the topic for this half term is called Beginning with God. It is the last topic in the liturgical year, Year B. As the title suggests, the content of this resource is the nature of God. Both belief in the singular nature of God (Monotheism) and God as a Trinity are taught.
Pupils will explore a variety of Biblical metaphors for God and learn about the Nicene Creed as a time in history when the nature of Jesus was considered and clarified.
Throughout the topic they will:
- Recognise or retell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush
- Describe what we believe about the nature of God drawn from some Biblical metaphors
- Make links between their own experience and metaphors for God in the Bible.
- Describe the Trinity using the sign of the Cross
- Describe and show understanding of God from two sources of revelation: Scripture and the Nicene Creed
- Show how belief in God as Trinity developed