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Year of the Word

 In December 2020, each class produced pieces of art work linked to the topic of the 'Year of the Word - the Good Who Speaks.' 

Many classes chose their favourite Bible passages and used the words to inspire a piece of art work. These are displayed in school and every person who walks by often comments on how wonderful the work is. Well done children!




Ms Abbassy, our school art teacher, has been working with different classes to produce pieces of art based on scripture found in Matthew's Gospel. They each chose one of their favourite stories and thought about what Jesus would want us to understand about him, about life and how we treat one another.




'The God Who Speaks'

The Year of the Word 

30th September 2019 - 31st December 2020

celebrating, living and sharing God's word

Launch: 30th September 2019

- Feast of St Jerome


The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have designated 2020 as ‘The God Who Speaks’: A Year of the Word to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Verbum Domini – Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation on ‘The Word of the Lord’, and the 1600th anniversary of death of St Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin. 


Therefore, 2020 will be a year of celebrating, living and sharing God’s word, through a range of events, activities and resources, available across the Diocese of Westminster. 


We are invited to listen afresh to the word of God as did Our Blessed Lady at the Annunciation, to encounter anew the presence of that word, and to proclaim it afresh in the Church and the World.